Seasonal eczema is a chronic skin condition and a subtype of atopic dermatitis, characterized by skin inflammation, dryness, itching, and flare-ups during seasonal changes. Eczema treatment becomes essential as environmental triggers, such as temperature or humidity shifts and allergen exposure, worsen symptoms. Proper care can help manage this condition effectively.
Prevention of seasonal eczema flare-ups
- Skin hydration – The first and foremost condition to prevent eczema is that skin should be well hydrated from inside as well as outside. For this, make use of a moisturizer containing ceramides twice a day. During summer months, use light lotions but for winters, choose thicker emollient creams. For locking in moisture, apply cream just after bathing. Consume at least 8-10 glasses of water a day for internal hydration of the skin.
- Avoidance of triggers – Identify the triggers that lead to eczema flare up and avoid them. These mostly include pollen in summers or mold in winters. Fabrics worn should be breathable such as cotton and they also do not irritate the skin. If you are fond of swimming, you should avoid contact with chlorine and can apply a barrier cream before swimming.
- Maintenance of a healthy skin barrier – To avoid the skin from losing its natural oils, use a gentle face cleanser and avoid long showers with hot water. During winters, the moisture levels drop indoors due to cold and dry winds. Hence, try to use an indoor air humidifier for the same.
- Skin’s protection – Protect your skin from environmental stressors by always choosing to apply a sunscreen containing physical blockers such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. During winters, add more layers to avoid exposure with cold and dry air.

Various treatment options for seasonal eczema
- Topical treatments – To minimize inflammation and skin irritation during eczema flare up, dermatologists advise the application of corticosteroids. Even calcineurin inhibitors are great for dealing with eczema as they act as non-steroidal options for long-term management such as tacrolimus, pimecrolimus etc. For restoration of the skin’s natural defense barrier, moisturizer containing ceramides is quite beneficial.
- Phototherapy – An effective treatment option for moderate to severe eczema is UVB phototherapy for minimizing the occurrence of inflammation or itching in winter months.
- Oral drugs – Certain individuals need oral medications along with topical ointments if allergens have led to itching and antihistamines work wonders for them. If the eczema is quite severe and doesn’t respond to any treatment method, systemic immunosuppressants are advisable such as cyclosporine, methotrexate etc.
Lifestyle modifications for the prevention of seasonal eczema
- Wholesome anti-inflammatory diet – Diet should be well balanced and include antioxidant rich foods such as berries, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits etc. and also omega-3 fatty acids containing foods (walnuts, flaxseeds, fatty fishes such as salmon, mackerel etc.). The food groups that need to be refrained in the diet include processed and packaged foods as well as foods containing added sugar. Certain individuals even need to refrain from dairy products as it may be the trigger for eczema flare up.
- Stress management techniques – One of the common triggers behind eczema flare up is stress. Hence, working on it is quite crucial for dealing with seasonal eczema and this can be achieved by yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises etc.
- Adequate hydration – To keep the skin well moisturized from within, you need to consume adequate amounts of water too. Consume at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.
It is not impossible to deal with seasonal eczema and all you need is certain lifestyle modifications, and right eczema treatment options and opting prevention strategies to avoid flare up. By carefully analyzing your triggers and taking needful measures to maintain a healthy skincare routine, you can prevent any flare up and achieve a healthier skin throughout the year. But for the right management, you need a dermatologist’s support to guide and treat you better.
Dr. Neha Khurana, from House of Aesthetics, is well renowned in the city and her proactive knowledge of her subject makes her exceptionally good. With years of experience in dermatology, Dr. Neha specializes in providing comprehensive, evidence-based treatments tailored to individual skin needs. She believes in empowering patients with the knowledge and tools to maintain healthy skin through all seasons.
Whether you’re dealing with persistent flare-ups, itching, or dryness, Dr. Neha’s holistic approach combines cutting-edge treatments with practical advice to give you lasting relief and renewed confidence in your skin. Don’t let eczema hold you back, schedule a consultation with Dr. Neha Khurana today and take the first step toward achieving healthier, eczema-free skin for every season!